Cultural Sensitivity and Video Game Translations

In the digitized world, the globalization of technologies and industries is in fashion. One of the key beneficiaries of the technological advancements is the gaming industry. The key to global launch and success in foreign markets is effective localization and translation of video games. Virtual reality and augmented reality have changed the game player experience altogether. Moreover, the demand for mobile gaming is now at its all-time peak. An increased number of people are playing their favorite games on their smart devices. Take the example of the PUBG mobile, with more than 8 million global players, it has broken all the previous records of any mobile game popularity in the short time of four years. With increased demand and growing popularity, there is an increased pressure on the game developers to provide better and more immersive experiences, and that cannot be possible without help from a professional translation agency.

It is the dream of every game developer to make his/her game the next global hit. With increasing challenge and competition, the doorway to the global launch of your game is hidden in the effective localization and translation. If we single out the common thing in all the successful games of the 21st century, it would be the successful localization and translation strategy.

Today we are going to discuss the key cultural aspects that need special attention for successful game translation.

The Important Elements of Cultural Sensitivity

Increased globalization created a hyper-aware population that is capable of pointing out any linguistic and cultural disparity especially when it comes to their favorite games. Yes, we are referring to the cultural elements of video game localization. People are now more educated and well aware of the cultural and linguistic nuances of their region which ultimately puts pressure on the game translators to ensure the utmost precision and accuracy of the translation of the video game relevant in-game and other marketing materials.

Moreover, any mistake in the contextual meaning of the game-related translations might result in embarrassment and loss of reputation. Each culture has its specific connotation of words and different interpretations of the same words. Some cultures are more inclusive than others. However, most cultures have their own limitations, and game translators must adhere to these cultural sensitivities.

Below are the key categories in which cultural elements must be taken into consideration with utmost care.

●     Religious and Social Elements

Each culture becomes beautiful because of its different points of explanation and unique elements. These differences include increased and decreased levels of tendency to make fun of anything. In some cultures like the US, making fun of very particular religious elements is of no offense. Whereas in the Middle Eastern nations, this might score a person a lifetime imprisonment. So adherence to the religious elements is very important when it comes to video game translation for global players.

●     Visual Graphics and Character Design

The clothing of the video game characters is another important aspect that needs to be aligned with the cultural definitions of the target region. Most importantly, when it comes to launching a video game for any particular region, the second thing that comes after the linguistic translation is the appearance of the characters. To provide an immersive experience to global players, a video game translation agency needs to work closely with game designers and developers. The inclusion of inappropriate attire can cause backlash or outrage in the target region and disrupt the global launch of your video games. Game developers need to be mindful of these elements for the seamless localization of the video game.

●     References of Humor and Jokes

Most important of all, culturally relevant humor is a requirement of a good game dialogue but it should not touch any sensitive topic and respect the local antiquated greetings and humor. Unfamiliar references can also decrease player engagement and lead to low game downloads over time. Moreover, verbal humor, script-based humor, and textual humor are some commonly used elements that must be taken into consideration before the global launch of a video game. Additionally, the alternative translations disrupt the textual length and UX of the game design thus increasing the complexity of the video game translations.

Modern Challenges in Video Game Translation

With increasing globalization comes the responsibility of adhering to the linguistic and cultural challenges of video game translation.

Most of the games are launched with a huge number of stages, thick story plots, and chronological character development. Meaning the increased content for translation and more chance of error. The true success of video game localization lies in the balance of quality while addressing the player experience in the best way possible.

Video game translation services providers are equipped with native and gaming industry expert translators and address these challenges professionally. Moreover, there are some other technical restrictions in video game translation and localization. An important part of the game localization plan is to customize the game coding, UI and UX elements, special issues, and compatibility with the game design

Bottom Line

The dynamic landscape of video game translation is filled with modern trends, intricate challenges, and an increased number of opportunities. To capitalize on the hidden opportunities and careful navigation of the modern challenges, game developers need to work with a professional game translation company.