Reasons Why You Should Consider Moving to Serbia

You have to assess a large number of different factors if you have decided to change the country of your residence. After all, you are about to change your way of life and your family’s way of life in many aspects. The emigration process is always associated with certain difficulties and sometimes emigrants’ expectations do not come true. Without doubt, there are many reasons to stay where you are. For example, you don’t have to bother finding out about the living conditions in other countries. In the text below, however, we discuss 5 reasons why you should consider choosing Serbia in the Balkans as your new country of residence.

Relatively easy and painless adaptation

This factor is more important than you might think. Any emigrant has to leave the comfort zone and put many old habits behind. Serbia is a very comfortable country in this respect: it welcomes all foreigners wholeheartedly. You will quickly notice how friendly locals are in everyday communication. You are going to feel no tension and no aggression when you talk to people about business or mundane matters. Serbians will not let you feel alien in their country. The same goes for your children’s adaptation: they are going to find new friends fast and their school instructors will make every effort to make the school environment comfortable for the newcomer.  

Personal security

Would you like to walk in the park late in the evening? Ride a bike through the night? Breathe some fresh air before going to bed? Please rest assured that you can do so without any fear in Serbia. Your chances of getting into trouble are extremely low. This factor is especially important if you are relocating with your children.

You may run into a loud company of young people as you walk late at night but they are just celebrating something. This is part of their national character: Serbians love partying and the good news is that they go easy on alcohol.

The level of aggression in everyday life is also very low. There is practically no chance that a passenger on the bus is going to be rude to you. If somebody pushes you accidentally, he or she will apologize and give you a smile. The chance that you might encounter lack of manners in a government agency in Serbia is also close to zero.

You might be surprised to see that many entrance doors are made of glass in Serbia and they seldom have more than one lock. You would not have to install a metal door or put bars on your windows if you moved to Serbia. The country is safe.

Geographical location and visa regulations

Serbia is located almost in the center of Europe. The country can serve as a perfect platform for exploring the continent. You won’t have to spend a lot of time and money to reach other European countries from Serbia. Besides, you will be pleased to find that the roads in the country meet the highest European standards.

Would you like to spend a few days at the seafront? Serbia is a landlocked country but its neighbors – Croatia and Montenegro – have access to the sea. You don’t even have to leave Serbia if you are a nature lover: nature is beautiful in the country. There are majestic mountains, thick forests, and multiple lakes. The Danube River is also impressive. We highly recommend that you travel around Serbia if you decide to relocate to the country. In addition to natural wonders, you will find many historical monuments there.

Serbia also puts forward very comfortable visa requirements. Citizens of some countries can stay in Serbia for 30 days without visas while citizens of some other countries can stay there for 90 days without applying for a visa. This factor is of primary importance because it allows making a ‘scouting visit’ to Serbia without any red tape if you would like to get a feel of the country before making the final decision.

Legalizing your prolonged stay in Serbia is also non-problematic. One way to qualify for a residence permit is purchasing livable residential accommodations in the country. Another popular legalization method is registering a company in Serbia. Please visit this website to find out about the details of the company registration process.

Education opportunities

Serbian schools offer education of a better quality than schools in Montenegro or Bosnia and Herzegovina do. There are state schools in Serbia that do not charge anything for tuition and there are private schools. Even if your child attends a state school, you should not worry about the training quality. For example, a school child who speaks a couple of foreign languages is not a rarity in Serbia. Serbian universities are also highly competitive and well reputed in other European countries.

Climate, food, and prices

The soil is highly fertile in Serbia. From north to south, you will find farms everywhere in the country. The farmers take good care of their land and grow various plants there. Serbia is self-sufficient as far as growing food products is concerned. Some exotic fruits such as mango or avocado, for instance, have to be imported but most of what Serbians eat is grown in their country.

Small grocery stores and large farmers’ markets start selling fresh fruits, vegetables, and green stuff early in the morning. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn how little they cost. Fresh meat, eggs, milk, cheeses, etc. – all food is of superb quality in Serbia. Multiple bakeries will bake fresh bread in front of you. We promise, you are going to love the high quality and the low prices of food in Serbia.

You can forget about fur coats and fur hats in Serbia. All you need during a short winder is a windproof jacket, waterproof shoes, and an umbrella. There are many sunny days in Serbia.

Medical services are also reasonably priced in Serbia. Residents of Germany and Austria often visit Serbian dentists and cosmetologists because the prices are much higher in their home countries.

The service industry is also quite competitive in Serbia. Two and a half euros for a haircut? You are welcome!

It goes without saying that there is no paradise on earth and Serbia has some minuses too. However, as far as the ‘price/ quality ratio’ is concerned, Serbia is extremely attractive indeed. There you could live a reasonably good life at a reasonably low price.

Besides, you can make Serbia your ‘base’ country if you would like to explore Europe. Maybe you will want to relocate somewhere else one day but starting in Serbia would be a very good idea indeed.