Truth and Myths about Golf

Among the many sports games, golf deserves special attention. It has the most straightforward rules, is characterized by exciting gameplay, and is equally suitable for people of any gender and age. The enormous popularity of golf worldwide makes it the most discussed entertainment. This feature gives rise to many myths and legends, which are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the truth. To know exactly which of the statements is true and which is fictitious, you should read our article to the end. We will answer all the questions and dispel several well-known myths in it.

Common myths

There are many myths in the world of golf. All of them are passed down from generation to generation and remain an essential part of the history of this game. At the same time, myths mislead many beginners and discourage them from playing golf. To prevent this, we will tell you the most famous fictions that have nothing to do with reality.

Golf is an overly expensive sport

The central myth about golf is that this sport is available only to the rich. In reality, this is untrue; even people with limited financial resources can afford to play regularly. To do this, it is enough to buy clubs and other attributes not from top manufacturers that focus on people who play golf professionally but from middle-class or even budget brands. They produce the same high-quality products but use ordinary materials in production that are several times cheaper rather than super-expensive innovative ones. They also do not force you to overpay for the brand logo that will be applied to the club or other items. In the same way, you can choose unique clothes, shoes and everything steel you will need on the golf course.

You can’t play golf at night

Many people think that golf is an exclusively daytime sport. Initially, it was, but people learned to build well-illuminated courses with unique lights over time. They are installed away from the game and do not interfere with the ball’s flight. The presence of lighting made it possible to complete protracted competitions and conduct training in the dark successfully. Beginning and experienced golfers have recently discovered various AGM optics that support night vision technologies. With the help of NV glasses, you can play even in meager light, binoculars and monoculars – inspect the territory and assess the situation on the course.

Golf is a sport for old people

Golf appeared a long time ago, and at first, it was popular only among the older generation. At the same time, young people choose more active and dynamic sports. In this regard, many people believe that golf is a game for old people. Fans of this hypothesis always cited a calm atmosphere on the field, the lack of need to make many sharp movements and the slow flow of the game itself as evidence. However, today, all these arguments look ridiculous. Nowadays, not only the older generation is actively involved in golf, but also children, teenagers, and young people under 30. Some of them even become professional athletes who win prestigious competitions. The best way to refute the myth that golf is a sport for old people is the results of the recently concluded Olympics. There, the gold medals were won by American Scott Scheffler and New Zealander Lydia Ko, who were 28 and 27 years old at the time, respectively.

The harder you hit, the farther the ball goes

This myth is the most common among beginner golfers. Many are sure that if they can hit the ball hard, it will fly as far as possible and land right in front of the hole. However, in reality, everything happens differently. The flight range is affected by many factors, taking into account which will allow the golfer to achieve the desired result. First of all, it is necessary to mention the speed of the club head. It should be maximum at the moment of contact with the ball. Then, the strike technique has a significant impact on the flight range. If it is incorrect, the ball cannot fly the required distance under any circumstances. The golfer should also consider the trajectory in which he launches the ball and the wind conditions on the field.

Better equipment – better results

Golf enthusiasts who fail to show good results on the course often blame their equipment rather than themselves. They point out that with better and more expensive products, they would be able to hit more accurately. In reality, all of the above is a myth. The quality of the equipment used only improves the athlete’s sensations but has virtually no effect on his results. The latter depend solely on the golfer’s skill and ability to make the right decisions in each specific situation.


Golf is a relatively simple sport. However, to succeed in it, you need to spend maximum physical strength and demonstrate your mental abilities. In addition, you need to know the most important facts about this game and be able to distinguish truth from myth.

There is no single technique for performing a shot in golf

Many beginners try to copy the technique of professional athletes, expecting that, in this case, they will be able to improve their results. However, this approach is not entirely correct. In reality, there is no single standard technique for performing strokes. Each athlete has a different height, weight, build and other vital parameters. Therefore, what suits one person does not work for another. In addition, all golfers have their playing advantages and disadvantages, which is why they are comfortable performing strokes only in a certain way. At the same time, there is no need to abandon the detailed analysis of the technique of professional players completely. It can become a basis for each golfer to adjust to their needs and preferences.

Golfers use the same energy as other athletes

For many people who have never held a club or put a ball in a hole, golf is associated with relaxation and a quiet pastime. However, running or cycling is as exhausting a sport as running. The fact is that all golfers put effort into each shot and put much effort into sending the ball in the right direction. This leads to the expenditure of a large amount of energy and the gradual accumulation of fatigue. Considering that you have to spend several hours on each course, it is easy to imagine how tired a golfer will be at the finish line of the competition. In addition to physical strength, players put in mental effort. They think through each shot and often make difficult decisions. Golfers also lose much energy due to constant anxiety and fears of making an inaccurate shot.

Professional golfers start early

Golf is a sport in which you can take your first steps even at the age of 60+. However, to become a professional player, you should start hitting balls into holes from a very young age. This is necessary to gradually hone your skills and reach a high level by age 18-20. Then, you can improve your technique and strategy and gain skills in playing different courses. If you start at over 30, you will only become an outstanding player by 45-50. After that, you will have only a few years left to build a successful career. This is confirmed by the fact that very few professional players are over 60 years old today.

A clean ball goes farther

Not all players know that clean balls fly further. These game products initially have an aerodynamic surface, which reduces air resistance during flight. Due to this, the ball gains more speed and flies further. At the same time, dirt on the surface will disrupt the ideal aerodynamics. This will automatically lead to increased resistance and a decrease in flight speed.

The second shot is more important than the first

In golf, all shots are essential. However, if we do prioritize, the second shot is more important than the first. Most often, it is the second shot that allows the player to hit the ball to the green and get a chance to prepare well before “storming” the hole. Statistics also prove that the second shot is critical. It shows that the most significant number of mistakes are made on the second shot. Very often, even the slightest inaccuracy of the golfer leads to the ball stopping far from the hole, significantly complicating the player’s task.

The world of golf is a whole of various myths and legends. Some of them are true, while others are fiction. They all give an extra reason to talk about this magnificent game and discuss many interesting points. Regularly playing golf or devoting only a few days a month to it, you will equally love it and make it the leading entertainment of your life.

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